Saturday, January 19, 2008

I am strong, I am beautiful, I am happy

I did 8 miles yesterday. My longest mileage to date. That makes a total of 19 miles this week. It felt amazing. I don't run w/music or an ipod. I just think and meditate while running. It really helps to clear my head and give me quiet time for ME. I do occasionally say montras to myself, outloud while running. Yesterday's montra was "I am strong, I am beautiful, I am happy." I've been doing some more research online and still not sure what I'm going to do about my marathon in April. I'll be about 18-19 weeks pregnant. sigh....Maybe I could just do the half. I don't know. I think I'm still going to keep uping the mileage for awhile. At some point I'll need to go to the doctor and get this whole prenatal thing started. At any rate. I'm a little sore today. Some cramps, but very little nausea. I worked 6+ hours last night on my feet waiting tables. It was a lot of work--but I walked w/$110. Today will be a rest day and I'll start w/3 miles again tomorrow. I think I need to time it so my long run is on a day that I have off from work. I was SO tired last night and even this morning I just wanted to sleep and sleep, but the alas, the boys were up at 6:20 a.m.

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