Friday, August 1, 2008

27 days and counting...

Well, my c-section is scheduled for Aug 28th. That's 27 days from today. I still have a lot to do, but I'm trying to cross something off my list everyday. It seems so unreal that this little girl will be here so soon. She is so precious to me. I will miss her flips and kicks in my tummy. I cherish that connection with her. Here's a pic from yesterday at 34 weeks officially. Hubby laughs b/c evertime it's time to take a picture I stand in front of a door in our house. Our house is so dang small there's not really anywhere to go away from the clutter except to close a door and stand in front of it. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

look how cute you are pregnant!!!! so good to talk to you. keep us updated! We are soo happy for ypu guys hope all goes well!