Saturday, May 16, 2009

7 miler

well. It's done. It actually ended up being 6.95 miles. I want to be honest with myself here. It was tough, but I really feel well. I thought I was going to hyperventilate at the end. My friends pulled me through. Thank you!! I was soaking wet from head to toe. The tops of my arms were sweating! It was actually a little humid here in Vegas this morning. go figure.
I would thank the following products for my success today--Brooks running shoes, body glide (no chaffed arms today!), Gatorade, Power Bar gel (strawberry banana), Cliff shot blocks (yuck!), Champion sportswear, and Injinji socks, oh and mother nature for the water afterwards. Thank you.


Sonia said...

Good for you!!! I'm so proud of you!!!!

wendy said...

Sara (w/o an H), I'm getting so excited for you. Your blogs are so funny. I ALMOST wish I were training too and would be there with you. Keep it up!