Saturday, June 13, 2009

a few funnies...

Cinco de Mayo--made Fajitas for dinner
Daddy--Mom made fajitas b/c they're kinda like Mexican food.
Me--they ARE Mexican food
Mario--Dad, are you talkin' trash?

Mario--Mom, does salad grow?
Me--uh, yeah it grows, but not on a tree.
Mario--yeah, and it doesn't grow in bags either, right?

Mario was hitting himself trying to make baby girl laugh.
Me--Stop, that's not kind to your body.
Mario--But it's kind to flies???

Eating boiled eggs for breakfast.
Luigi--I don't like boiled eggs.
Mario--I do. I like boiled yolks, but I don't like slobbery yolks.

Been teaching boys about tablespoon vs. teaspoon. Luigi grabbed a fork out of the drawer--Mom, is this a table fork?

Telling Daddy & boys to turn off video games for the night to get ready for bed. Daddy kept playing.
I told them again and said--Remember Daddy E-X-A-M-P-L-E.
Luigi said--yeah Dad, C-T-R.

Made the boys practice sitting still for 5 minutes. (hard time at church lately)
Mario says--But Mom, what if I toot?

Morning of daddy's birthday, wrapping his present. Mario wants to actually fold the paper AND put the tape on.
Me--Okay, but do your best.
Mario--I will do my best because I'm brave and a little bit silly.

Me--who wants a ham sandwich for lunch?

Mario--I do, but not with jelly on it or anything.

1 comment:

Sonia said...

Love it!!! they are so cute!!!