I don't know if I've ever explained the name of this blog. Back in the day, when message boards were all the rage online, it was necessary on one board or another to make up a screen name. I really don't know what my thought process was, so here is an attempt to explain it. At the time, a friend had recently gotten married and had teased that the theme for the food was going to be everything 'Lil'--i.e. Lil Debbie snack cakes, Lil Smokies, etc. I thought that was pretty funny. Then 'susha' well, I don't know except that it's close to 'sushi' which I have never eaten. So 'lilsusha' was born.
When I found out I was pregnant, I thought it was a great time to start a blog. The intent was that this blog was to serve mainly for documenting my running throughout my pregnancy--my return to running postpartum and my eventual achievement of my life goal of running a marathon.
WELL, I have made somewhat of a return to running. As per previous posts, I was scheduled to run the Bryce Canyon Half Marathon on July 18th and the St. George full marathon on October 3rd. It didn't and it ain't happenin'. I've had a few hiccups physically and mentally, I'm just not 'there' right now. Yes, the 100+ temperatures have had their part in all of this. I AM a marathoner, I WILL run my marathon. But this one isn't it.
Running is my therapy. I'm somewhat of a 'purist' with running--no headphones, no music. Just me. It is my time to work through situations and emotions inside. I love when I find the 'flow' on a run. When all I hear is my own rhythm of breathing--everything else is still and I don't even know I'm running.
So, the fact that I haven't ran in awhile, thus have not had any 'therapy', has taken it's toll on my emotions. I'm quicker to temper--just frustrated and tired most days. I WANT to run, but again the 100+ degree weather has had a part in my return, or rather my delay in returning. I will keep everyone apprised of my progress.
13 years ago
Thats funny. I always thought it stood for "Little Shoes a Running" because you can hear the pitter patter of little feet in your house all the time.
I hope you can get back out there on the road soon. Good luck!
I think I like your explanation better. Little shoes a running. good one.
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