Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Okay, let's try this blogging thing again.

Just want to give this whole blogging thing another shot. It's been so long since my last post. The pregnancy is progressing wonderfully, and we are thrilled to be preparing for a LITTLE GIRL. We finally told the boys on Mother's Day, May 11th. They were really excited. We like to ask them what her name will be. So far 2 is set on either Mario or Towel. His brother likes the name Butterfly. Daddy keeps calling her Bob. So far lots of nicknames for baby.

We got the room painted pink and brown, got the crib set up, and we're in the process of getting the house ready for her. I'll be 31 weeks tomorrow. I've been keeping a pregnancy journal and taking pictures of my changing tummy. I'll most likely be having a c-section b/c of the placenta previa, but we'll know for sure next week. My friends threw a wonderful baby shower back in June. I am seriously blessed to have so many friends. They were so generous and seriously, we are set and ready for this baby girl.
We're just trying to stay cool. We've been swimming lots and went to visit our friends, family, and cousins last week for the 4th of July. The boys LOVE their cousins and friends.
They are still learning to swim, so we keep the life jackets and swimming rings close. Dad has even taken a couple of opportunities to swim this summer. We're having fun.

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